Looking for a sales vacancy is not confined to a certain time of year – there will be organisations looking to expand their sales team all year round. However, summer can be a time when there are more opportunities about, both in temporary sales positions and...
It is highly likely that you are pursuing a sales career, or have a position working with sales teams because you are something of a ‘people person’. Sales skills honed over your career can also stand you in good stead when looking for your next job opportunity. After...
March and April are traditionally a time when properties receive a Spring clean – a deeper dive into the nooks and crannies to get rid of built-up debris and dirt. Surfaces are wiped, cupboards are cleared out and dust is driven away to leave everything sparkling...
Many sales job candidates carry out a lot of research into how they should best answer the questions posed to them by the person interviewing them for a vacant sales role. This is, of course extremely important as it shows the interview panel that you possess the...
Successful sales professionals tend to be multi-talented – they need to be to fulfil the many different facets of the role. Therefore, interviews for sales jobs also tend to be wide-ranging, covering several angles and topics of discussion. This is so that the...
Now that we are into November and seeing the weather get decidedly colder and wetter outside, we could be forgiven for thinking that looking for a new sales job might not be the best idea. Employers are thinking about end of year targets and how to handle the...